Memory alloy - Nitinol alloy
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What is Nitinol alloy?
The Nitinol alloy is one of many form memory alloys that (SMA) can return to their original shapes after deformation. SMA are used in many industries, such as consumer electronics and aerospace. SMAs are popular because of their ability to be used as a replacement for traditional materials. Due to its high biocompatibility as well as superelasticity, the Nitinol Alloy is very popular in medical devices. It is used for making brackets, guidewires, stones baskets. filters, needles and other surgical instruments.
The development history of Nitinol alloy
William J. Buehler (US Naval Laboratory) and Frederick Wang [2] created a series of engineering alloys which had a unique form memory effect. These alloys were known as Ni-Ti shape memories alloy, or Nitinol. Nitinol is a general term that refers generally to NiTi alloys of nearly equal atomic mass. The United States Naval Weapons Laboratory (code n-ol) is indicated by the addition of the word after it. It is known as the Nitinol alloy because this lab is responsible for inventing this type of alloy. The 55-Ntinol alloy is the most popular representative alloy within the Nitinol group. This type of alloy has a composition range between 5357 (weight),% of Ni and the rest is TiNi intermetallic compounds.
The characteristics of Nitinol alloy
Superelasticity describes the phenomenon where the specimen experiences a strain that is greater than its elastic limit. The strain will recover when it's unloaded. Due to external stress in the parent state, stress-induced martensitic conversion occurs. The alloy exhibits a distinct mechanical behavior, has an elastic limit that is significantly higher than normal materials, and no longer conforms to Hooke's law. Hyperelasticity does not involve thermal energy, as opposed to shape-memory properties. Hyperelasticity refers to the fact that stress is not affected by strain beyond a specific deformation range. You can divide hyperelasticity into nonlinear and linear. It is evident that the stress-strain curve for the former shows a very linear relationship between strains and stress. Nonlinear Hyperelasticity refers the stress-induced martensitic and its inverse transformations during loading and unloading within a specific temperature range. Also known as transformation pseudoelasticity, nonlinear Hyperelasticity also refers to the phenomenon of stress-induced martensitic transformation and its inverse transformation during loading and unloading in a certain temperature range above Af. A pseudoelasticity for phase transformation in Ni-Ti alloy can exceed 8%. With heat treatment, superelasticity can be altered in nickel-titanium alloy. Higher temperatures will cause hyperelasticity to drop.
The price of Nitinol Alloy
Particle size and purity in Nitinol alloy will impact the product's cost. The purchase volume may also have an effect on the cost. Large quantities of smaller amounts will result in a lower price. On our website, you can see the Price for Nitinol Alignment.
Nitinol alloy supplier
Technology Co. Ltd., is a trustworthy and quality global manufacturer and supplier of chemicals. With more than 12 years experience, it can provide high quality chemical materials and nanotechnology products, such as nitride powders, graphite and sulfide powders, and nitinol allision. You can contact us anytime to inquire about high-quality, low-cost nitinol alloy.
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